Professional Nurse Call System Installers

Healthcare Communication Solutions Nurse Call System Installation Companies

Elevating Nurse Call Systems for Unsurpassed Patient-Centric Care

Conventional healthcare models and nurse call systems have changed. Sentinel events, patient falls, and elopement risks all demand attention. In this climate of change, nurse call systems continue to evolve and require seasoned nurse call system installers. What was once regarded as call bells or light and tone call systems are now sophisticated tools. The immediate response and evolution of nurses on call continues forward as features are enhanced to improve patient care, staff communication, and boost patient satisfaction scores.

Many hospitals, skilled care facilities, sheltered care, assisted living, independent living, and specialty care facilities have upgraded nurse call systems leveraging technology. Installation of the right nurse call systems, hospitals and healthcare facilities have an increased ability to integrate emergency calls, medical alarmed devices, door alarms, resident alarms, location devices, and much more into a single “collector” that improves communication.

Centralized collection and annunciation of patient calls and other facility alarms provide the ability to collect and distribute critical information to staff; this enables the right person to receive the right message at the right time. The evolution of IP based systems allows multiple systems to collect and disseminate information via wireless nurse call, telephone, mobile phones, dedicated wall displays, pocket pagers, master stations, emails, SMS text messages, and receive information from electronic medical record systems.

Nurse Alert Systems Result in Calm Inpatient Care

Peace and quiet — a rare remedy in modern healthcare? Nurses and other caregivers are constantly on the go. But all too often the information they need isn’t. Instead, it’s inaccessible or stationary: inside a desktop PC, written in a journal, inside a colleague’s head. Making this information accessible by communicating through nurse call systems can help improve workflow efficiency, and can contribute to better patient satisfaction.

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Our Professional Nurse Call System Partners

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